One of the Capital Campaign Billboards
One of the Billboard designs Melanie created while working on contract for the Jim Pattison Children’s Hospital Foundation
Thank-You Note Cards
Thank You Card for Jim Pattison Children’s Hospital Foundation Capital Campaign 2018 into 2019
Invitation Design Concept
Invitation Template Design for the Capital Campaign
Large Cheque for Photos with Donors
Capital Campaign Icon
Capital Campaign Posters
The Capital Campaign Booklet
This book was created using the vision and direction of the VP of Communications & the President/CEO of the Jim Pattison Children’s Hospital Foundation. The design remained in keeping with the colour palettes of their brand guidelines.
The ”We are Saskatchewan” icon/logo, round badges (We Are Stronger, etc), distressed stars & banners, font choices, and angled text/graphics are all Melanie’s influences peaking through.
Based on the branding Melanie helped create (this design was not done by Melanie).
Want to see more? Click on a photo below.